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Archbishop Curley High School Mission-4-Service Requirement

2024-2025 School Year

All students must complete their Mission-4-Service requirement by 3pm on Monday April 28, 2025. Below is some information about this requirement for this school year:

How many hours does each student need to complete? 
Freshmen: 10 hours
Sophomores: 15 hours
Juniors: 20 hours
Seniors: 25 hours

Curley V-Form 2024-2025

Where can each student complete his service? 
List of pre-approved service sites that do not need further approval

Any direct work with a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or food bank (i.e. The Franciscan Center, Our Daily Bread, Maryland Food Bank, etc.)

Any work at the MSPCA or non-profit organization treating animals

Any direct service with a Church outside of normal liturgical attendance/participation (i.e. volunteering at a fundraiser, Vacation Bible School, being a peer minister, etc.)

Work at Little Portions Farm or First Fruits Farm (or similar organization)

Any direct service at a nursing home (visiting the sick etc)

Tutoring children at a school under the supervision of the school or in a Head Start Program

Habit for Humanity or any organization that helps to take care of the environment

Wreaths across America or The American Red Cross

Any service project that has been approved by the Alumni Association (as approved by Mr. Loftus), FYM (as approved by Fr. Chris), the Service Club (as approved by Mrs. Hernandez), or an athletic team (as approved by Mr. Gordon).

Can a student complete service hours at a site not listed above?
Doing service at any site that does not fall under the above criteria needs to be explicitly approved by Friar Chris. Please email [email protected]  with the name of the organization, a detailed explanation of what you will do at the site, and the contact information for someone at the site. This email needs to be sent at least 2 weeks prior to when you plan on doing your service. 

Can a student complete service hours at Curley?
During the 2024-2025 school year, we will allow students to complete a maximum of half of their service hours at Curley if they choose to do so. For example, freshmen can complete 5 of their 10 total hours at Curley and Sophomores can complete 7.5 of their 15 total hours at Curley. Examples of service opportunities include helping with Open House, fundraisers, special events, summer camps, retreats, Gala, etc. The coordinator of each event will need explicit permission from Friar Chris in order to offer service hours to students. 

What type of work is never considered as service?
Filing or clerical work in an office
Fire/Police station
Working in a Warehouse
Altar Serving at Sunday mass
Helping at a summer camp and/or sports team that is for profit (even if student does not get paid)

Any for profit entity (for example):

  • Automotive shop
  • Dance studio
  • Beauty or barber shop
  • Insurance company
  • Carry out/Concession stand
  • Cleaning service

Doing work at home or for other family members

  • Any yard or house work (cutting grass/raking leaves/dish cleaning)
  • Babysitting

Double Dipping

  • Eagle projects
  • Confirmation 

How do students log their hours? 
Students should get the V-form signed by a site supervisor. The V-form can be found on the Mission-4-Service Google Classroom. Students are to scan or take a picture of their signed V-forms and submit them to the Mission-4-Service Google Classroom by 3pm on Monday April 28, 2025. Students may submit multiple forms but should not press submit until all of the forms for the minimum hours have been uploaded. No physical paper or e-mailed submissions will be submitted.

What are the consequences if students do not upload their hours on-time?
After 3pm on Monday April 28, 2025, all students who do not submit their hours will receive a zero for a theology assignment. They will also become ineligible from all extracurricular activities until they complete their hours. These hours are a graduation requirement and will still need to be completed. 

When can students complete their hours?
All students must complete their hours for the 2024-2025 school year from May 1, 2024- April 28, 2025. No hours from previous years can count for the 2024-2025 requirement.



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